Feb 7, 2007

Beginners – Betting in Poker

Betting in poker works like this:
When it’s your turn, if no one has placed a bet, you have two options: check or bet.
1. Check – you don't put any chips in the pot; you wait to see what the other players will do.
2. Bet – you put chips into the pot.

If someone has already placed a bet, and now it's your turn, you have three options: fold, call or raise.
1. Fold – you decide to leave the hand, meaning that you put your cards down and don't bet on this hand anymore.
2. Call – you put into the pot the same amount as the original bet.
3. Raise – you make the bet bigger than the original bet. The amount raised should be at least double the original bet, and should be placed on the table.

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