Feb 4, 2007

Advanced Strategy -Semi Bluffing in Texas Holdem

The semi-bluff move means that you bet with a marginal hand with ‘outs’ that can improve your hand. For example: if you hold As, 5s and the flop is Ks, 5h and 2s your current pair of fives will most likely not be the best hand on the table, but any spade, 5, or an Ace that comes along will probably turn your hand into the best.

Semi-bluffing is a very effective technique used by professionals.
It provides two ways of winning:
1. Everyone folds and you take the pot immediately.
2. You hit your card and make a great hand.

The semi-bluff move provides additional advantages:
· If the last card is a ‘scary card’, lets say that the biggest card on the board is paired, if no one raised your semi-bluff on the previous round of betting, it is less likely that anyone holds that card, and now you have a good opportunity to bluff.
· Another advantage is that when you do hit your card, it will be hard for your opponents to know what you have. For example: lets say you hold Ah, 4h and the board is Kh, 5c, 2h if any heart, a 3 or an Ace will come you have a good chance to have the best hand and get paid by someone when you bet.
· The semi-bluff will sometimes give you a free card if you don’t hit your card immediately. If you bet after the flop from late position, the turn didn’t improve your hand and everyone checked, you can get the river for free by checking.

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